Vegetable Source

Vegetables are a source of energy to your body, and what’s better than growing your own at home.

Really, you can grow anything at home, not necessary in a Farm or a large lot but a small patch or even in a balcony in a large pot.

In a Farm you can just grow anything you desire, in home gardens you can do it but in a smaller scale, depending on the space, light ( sunshine) and ground substance – clay or soil.

You can start with seedlings – February/March at home – or buy ready planted Veggies in small or large pots later on in April/May.

Always decide ahead of time what type of Veggies you need according to the ones you eat most. Later on you can try others.

Using Triple Mix soil, Fertilizer, and Manure helps the vegetables grow faster stronger and bountiful. Using a Hoe tool, prepare the grounds for planting. Check the plants heights and widths to give enough space for growth. a foot to two feet is the usual measure for space.

Tomatoes grow in abundance so make sure to give them space or have only 1 to 2 plants growing on your first try-out as a veggie Gardner. Make note to have Wire plant guards and Bamboo sticks ready before you place down the plants.

Climbers like Cucumbers, Zucchini, Watermelons and other Melons, need Twines from the top and wire guards to hold them of the ground from insects chewing on your plants.

Eggplants also called Aubergines are heavy stalk plants but still need wire guards and twine to hold them from breaking.

Garlic plants grow on their own every year the tip is your new seedlings for future planting, the actual bud of cloves is under the ground and leaves can be used for salads instead of the actual clove.

Some Strawberry plants grow year by year – like mine – by march you can see their leaves are already turning green by May the flower bud pops out and then the fruit.