Choosing your Dream Home

I decided to Start a blog on My Garden makeovers. This will include Helping Hints and Tips ( Post ) on taking care of your New Home and photos of the changes I made in my gardens from a basic Lawn green grass to coloured Mulch, Pebbles, various colourful Flowers, Bushes, Trees, Veggie patch and of course a Pond.

Unfortunately not everyone enjoys their yards as much as they should. Some people wait for special occasions to use them, now the new trend is to be out there for a smoke or play with your pet, or on your phone.

We enjoy it through the blooming 3 Seasons, till late in the evening with family, or just chillin’, watching the few birds and furry friends that drop-in. We still BBQ in the Winter-time, thus, the Deck is used even when it’s snowed -in.

That is why you bought your House, to enjoy it to its extent.

We lived in both Apartments and Houses and accommodated my love for nature in large and small surroundings. I will also give you ideas for your Apartment or a Townhouse with a Terrace, later on.

When choosing a house, try to choose one with plenty of Sunlight throughout the rooms. Do your research for a place during Spring season, where the view of your yard would be clearer, and that any grass damage could be seen. When otherwise you’re moving to a new house in the Winter season, you would need to wait till Spring when all is well to start your garden features.

Sit down and take a good look at the homes you like. Technology made it easier, for now we view everything about the home before we even step in it. Read-up about it and then go check out the ones you decided on.

man and woman leaning on table staring at white board on top of table having a meeting
Photo by cottonbro on